Monday, January 4, 2010

Diet Resolutions Galore

A new year, a new starting point and resolutions galore!  When you think about it, it is the perfect time to get started on a new diet and exercise program.  If you're like me, you probably overdid it a bit during the Holidays and ate a little (or a LOT!) more than you had planned.  You may have slacked off a bit with your exercise schedule due to all the other engagements going on.  You may also have settled into a 'new normal' which may not necessarily be better than the 'old normal'.  Thanks to our calendar, we now have a perfect starting point to get back to (or start anew) a sensible diet and exercise program!

Here are some top reasons why now is the perfect time to start and/or get back on track:

We just spoiled ourselves over the Holidays

We had an opportunity to eat anything we wanted to and probably did!  I don't know about you, but I literally made myself ill from eating such a large quantity of food that was 180 degrees out of phase with what I had been eating.  I easily lost two to three days of feeling good and being productive due to the headaches, bloating and general sense of feeling crappy.  It's days like those where you truly appreciate the benefits of eating healthy and how it makes you feel.  The positive side of it all is, I got to mentally sate myself by allowing anything and everything into my diet no matter how it made me feel.  In doing this, you get to 'get it out of your system' and prime yourself to start fresh!

The daylight hours are as short as they're going to get

I hate these short days!  Every year at this time I begin to jones for those warm, long summer days where you can actually enjoy your time outside.  The benefit I find with these short days is that it allows me to stay focused on making time for a workout.  There's really nothing better to do and I'm not typically distracted by any fun outdoor activities like I am in the summer.  Whether you exercise at home or belong to a gym, make the most of those dreery, dark hours by getting in a workout that gets you feeling good and another step closer to a better than average you.

There's plenty of time to get the body you want before the warmer weather comes

But, you have to start now!  Depending on where you're starting from, there's still plenty of time to get the body you want in time for those warm summer days.  Take advantage of the time you have now and make every effort to improve and get closer to your ideal body.  Focus and consistency will be the key to get you there as quickly as possible.  Anytime is a good time to start, but all the pieces have aligned now to make even more perfect!

The benefits of creating a Better Than Average You are absolutely worth it

Don't waste another day, week or month thinking to yourself "I really want to do this!" - you just have to start!  Plan accordingly, start slow, make small changes to your diet, begin exercising lightly.  One day at a time.  Don't overdo it, but do it.  Don't be afraid of failure because just by starting, you're taking the right steps to prevent failure.  Don't be afraid of success either.  It sounds strange, but many people never realize their goals because they're afraid they may reach them!  The health and fitness benefits you can realize by eating clean and healthy and exercising consistently will stun you if you've never felt them before.  It is absolutely worth it.

The time is right:

1)  We've had the Holidays to purge ourselves of the need to eat anything and everything we want

2)  The days are shorter and colder now and we tend to spend a lot more time inside - let's use that time to our benefit

3)  There's plenty of time to make serious changes to our bodies before the longer and warmer days come

4)  It is all absolutely worth it and there's no better time to start than now!

Until next time~

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