Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What a Whirlwind Beginning to 2010!

It's been quite some time since we've last posted any diet updates due to hectic schedules and all kinds of craziness going on!  From strict dieting for a total body transformation to violent wind storms, extended power outages and family emergencies, it's been an eventful beginning to 2010. 

Here's a quick overview of where things are at:

January started off great with a successful implementation of the High Protein Very Low Carb diet plan outlined in Rob Faigin's book Natural Hormonal Enhancement which was continued into February. 

February was going well until I had a serious episode with my back that found me on a steady regimen of Flexeril and Vicodin.  As I'm sure you can imagine, this quickly derailed progress due to being unable to exercise.  Just as my back was getting back to normal at the end of the month, a devastating storm tore through our area and left us without power for 6 days.  It was beginning to get more and more difficult to get back on track...

March began with the idea that I could resume a strict diet and exercise schedule.  A family emergency arose that made transitioning back to a 'normal' schedule difficult.  It was during this time however, that I found myself doubling down and focusing on my diet and exercise goals to forge ahead.  It's not always easy, but it can be done!

April was very similar to March with respect to difficult scheduling.  This was also the time when I was wrapping up a focused attempt at completing a total body transformation (more on this to follow).  Sometimes things just don't go as planned!

Here we are in May - how time flies!  Summer isn't far away now.  It seems like just yesterday when we were talking about Thanksgiving dinners and holidy meals. 

Have you been able to make any progress?
Are you sticking with a diet plan?
Do you need some additional guidance?

Stay tuned, we'll work together to get back on track in no time!

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