Tuesday, January 12, 2010

High Protein / Very Low Carb Diet Plan - Day 1 of 7

Day one of any new diet plan (including this HPVLC plan) is always easy.  You're excited to get things going, have a change of pace, something new and exciting that has the potential to bring you fabulous results!  True to form, as I've recommended in the past, in preparation for getting serious with a structured eating plan I had a binge day.  One of those days where you just eat whatever you want and as much as you want.  It worked out perfectly!  Almost too perfectly, though - I was not in any mood to eat on Day one!

I did finally begin to get hungry and here's how things went on Day One:

Here's a quick recap of my goals for the daily diet plan:

Total daily calories in the 2,100 - 2,300 range.

Protein will be held in the 50% - 55% range of total daily calories.
Fat will be held in the 40%- 45% range of total daily calories.
Carbs will be held in the 5% range of total daily calories.

Scale Weight (first thing in the morning)

180.8lbs (last bodyfat reading was 11%)

Foods Eaten During the Day - Cals -- Protein -- Carbs -- Fat

8:30am    -- 2 scoops whey protein -- 240 -- 48 --  6  -- 2
12:50pm  -- 1c cottage cheese         -- 240 -- 28 -- 10 -- 10
2:15pm    -- 6oz 93% lean beef       -- 270 -- 34 --  0  -- 13.5
2:15pm    -- 2 slices provolone       -- 140 -- 10 --  0  -- 10
6:25pm    -- 8oz chicken breast       -- 200 -- 42 --  0  -- 4
6:25pm    -- 2 slices provolone       -- 140 -- 10 --  0  -- 10
7:30pm    -- Preworkout drink         --  25  --  2  --  6  -- 0
10:00pm  -- 2 scoops whey protein -- 240 -- 48 --  6  -- 2
10:30pm  -- 1oz plain almonds        -- 160 --  6  --  3  -- 14
10:30pm  -- 14 slices pepperoni     --  140 --  5  --  0  -- 13
11:30pm  -- Pre-bedtime protein     --  224 -- 51 --  0  -- 1
11:30pm  -- 1tbsp vegetable oil      --  120  -- 0  --   0 -- 14
Totals                                          --  2,139 -- 284 -- 32 -- 93.5

*** Clarification of some of the food items:
- The cottage cheese is a large curd, full fat variety.
- The 93% lean beef is ground beef that I cook on a skillet and season with red pepper flakes, chili powder and either a garlic powder or other various seasoning.  NO SAUCES ALLOWED!
- The provolone cheese is mixed in the ground beef and melted on top of the chicken breast
- The almonds and pepperoni are surprisingly tasty together!  This is a full fat, pre-sliced standard pepperoni. 
- The Pre-bedtime protein is a pre-made combination of whey, casein, calcium caseinates and milk protein to cover the full spectrum of fast acting through slow digesting proteins.
- The tablespoon of vegetable oil is mixed in with the protein drink.  It may sound gross, but you can't even taste it.  I would prefer to not use vegetable oil but this is all I had this day. 


My workout consisted of chest, back and abdominal exercises.  I couldn't match the weights I used in my previous workout.  I attributed this to 1)  feeling a little under the weather with a cold/cough and, 2)  the carb restriction.  I tired relatively quickly about halfway through this workout. 
Typically I like to wrap up a workout with 15 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) cardio but I just didn't have it in me.  I cooled down with 5mins at a moderate pace on the stepper. 

How I Felt Physically and Mentally

Physically I didn't have any problems throughout the day but tired easily during the workout as mentioned above.  Mentally everything was fine.  No issues or negative effects from the carb restriction that I could tell.  As expected, this was overall a pretty normal day. 

Stay Tuned For Days 2 through 7 !

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