Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello Ladies! Let's Get This Started!

Let’s face it.  Girls wanna look good!  We casually check each other out and see how we measure up.  We’re vocal and let each other know when the other is looking cute…and when they’re not.  I’ve slacked off and gotten the:  “You look tired, is everything ok?" comments.  Ugh!  That is definitely not a compliment.   You know something needs to be done...

It’s not always easy to find the time and energy to change.  You need to pay more attention to your diet and put in the effort to exercise.  But once you give it a go, you’ll see how much better it feels (and looks!) to be fit and put together.  Don’t believe me?  Just think back to something as simple as one of those bad hair days you had recently.  How did you feel not looking your best?  Or when you gained a couple pounds one winter then found yourself shopping for a new swimsuit that spring thinking, perhaps I’ll just avoid the beach this year… Now bring your memory to a night out when you know you looked great!  Ahh, that’s better.  How do you feel now?  Did it make you smile?  You felt great that night, didn’t you?  Now try and think of ONE reason why you shouldn’t feel like that all the time?

I can’t.

Here’s to creating a Better Than Average You.  Now let‘s get goin‘!

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