Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Amanda: Getting Your Diet And Exercise Plan Started

Ok, now that we have Thanksgiving behind us it’s time to get back on track!  Thanksgiving is about spending time with family, and being thankful and as we all know, is centered around food.  I am hoping that you were able to enjoy the feasts.  I know I did!  Now that it’s behind me, I find myself excited to get moving toward my ideal body.  No one can give you the body you want, but then again, they can’t take it away from you either!  Only you have complete control over your body.  Do with it what you will...

When looking in the mirror, you have no one to blame (or thank), but yourself!

So, Who Am I And What Am I Not?

I'm your average girl, I'm no expert!  My main priorities center around being a great mother and wife.  I have found that somewhere in my day I need to find some "me time" so that I can stay sane through it all.  I am a trained medical professional, currently stay at home mom.  Staying home with the kids sounds like a piece of cake job but, it’s not always easy.  Who knew?  Where's the ME time?  Just like the rest of you, I too am trying to stay fit.  I’ve noticed over the past several years that I now have to work for it!  Gone are the days of eating whatever I wanted with little to no exercise.  Was it having children or entering my thirties that changed things?  I’m not sure but, I’ve taken note and now it’s time to act on it!  While knowledgable in the field, I’m not a trained professional in diet and exercise so please understand that I will be taking this journey along with the rest of you.  Power in numbers they say.  Matt has extensive knowledge in this arena and will guide us through the technicalities of how and why things work the way they do.  One thing I do know is that you can’t just "go on a diet" and make it all go away.  You need to make a lifestyle change otherwise you'll slack off and go back to your previous eating habits (which obviously, were not working). 

Where Are You Falling Short?

Is it your eating habits? Maybe a lack of exercise?  Both?  Determine where the problem lies and make adjustments.  Then, tell yourself why you want (or need) to get healthy.  Do you want to look better?  Feeling tired all the time and you just want to feel better?  Is your health at risk and you know you NEED to change?  Finally, figure out what kind of body type you are aiming for.  If you can, print a picture off the internet.  Rip a page out of a magazine or find an old photo of yourself when you actually liked the way you looked and felt.  This will be a great motivator so hang it up somewhere that you will be able to see it several times a day.  We can all use a little inspiration to get us through the day!

Here's something I came up with for myself:

What Changes Need To Be Made?  Diet or Exercise?

Both.  I need to have a regular exercise routine worked into my day and to cut back on snacking.  I love sweets!

Why Do I Need To Change?

I have two reasons.
1)  I want to feel completely confident in my skin, something I have never really felt.
2)  I don’t ever want to find myself overweight and trying to get back into shape. Nip it in the bud!

What Body Type Inspires Me?

Being skinny does nothing for me, bring on the muscles!  I was able to find a few photos for inspiration which will help me reach my goals and posted them in prominent places to insure I'll see them throughout the day.

I would love to see what answers you’ve come up with.  Post them in the Comments Section and we can work together to motivate and inspire one another!  There is nothing better than to have workout buddies to motivate and push us through the days we‘d rather lay about snacking as we like!  Peer pressure can work in our favor here ;)

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