Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are You Back On Track Yet?

I hope you enjoyed your Holiday meal as much as I did.  True to form, I completely overdid it!  Waaaay too many calories, waaaay too much volume and waaaay too much sleeping immediately afterward.  As we've talked about previously, it's good to have this break from your eating plan but it's also good to get right back on track as soon as you can.

Are you back on track yet?  Here's what I did to shift gears from feeling sick to getting strict:

First of all, I focused on getting those portion sizes under control ASAP.  This was relatively easy because I went to work the next day and honestly WAS NOT hungry at all. 

Portion Control

I prefer to start the day with a meal replacement protein drink like Muscle Milk.  I love the way it tastes, it fills me up nicely and doesn't have really any 'bulk' to it at all.  This day however, I wasn't hungry enough for even 20oz of delicous shake.  I held off for a few hours and snacked on a meal replacement bar instead to start the day.  Again, this is very low bulk or volume, tastes great and keeps me filled up for a while. 

Re-train Your Brain

The one big problem after these all day, all out eating fests is that our minds think that it's OK to do all the time and very quickly adapt to this process.  Before long (like the very next day!), you're wondering why you're craving huge portions of foods, cookies, pies and other various desserts.  It wasn't like this 48hrs ago - what happened?  It's time to retrain your brain.  Don't fall victim to those cravings, just stick to your normal eating plan.  Small portions, multiple meals throughout the day made up of high quality foods.  It's easier than you think - just focus on making the right decisions that you know will help you reach your goals. 

Get Exercising ASAP

Even though you may feel sluggish, get back into your exercise routine right away.  Nothing cures laziness, sleepiness and all around I-don't-want-to-do-it-ness better than exercise.  Within 5 minutes you'll begin to feel great, back in the groove and as good as you did pre-Holiday-feast.  If you can't do it on your own, you may want to take a page out of my book for a boost - caffeine!  I love it, I use it and it helps me stay on track.  If you know your body can tolerate it, you may want to give it a try.

Stay focused, get back on track fast and these back to back Holiday feasts will barely even register on your road to a Better Than Average You!

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