Saturday, December 26, 2009

Diet Book Review: Natural Hormonal Enhancement by Rob Faigin

During some downtime over the past couple of weeks I had the opportunity to read Natural Hormonal Enhancement by Rob Faigin and felt it was worth a review for folks who are interested in total body transformations.  Mr. Faigin's book is just shy of being ten years in print (published in 2000) and has been largely under the radar during that time.  I myself kind of stumbled across it on recently and was intrigued to pick it up.  Should you?

Read on to get my full review:

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Bens First BodyTransformation Steps And Diet Tips

Ben provided me with a thorough update of exactly what he has done to prepare himself to make some meaningful and positive dietary changes for a total body transformation.  While not yet implementing a structured eating plan, he has already seen some fantastic results and provides some insight as to why he feels he's already making progress.  What kind of progress?  How about an 8 pound reduction in bodyweight right out of the gate! 

How did he do it?  Let's hear it directly from Ben:

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bens Grocery List For His Total Body Transformation Diet - First Two Weeks

Ben has his grocery list in hand and is out picking up the necessary items he'll need to get serious with his diet.  He has already been making some changes over the past couple of weeks to prepare himself and we'll be highlighting those changes in an upcoming post. 

For now, he has a simple, easily accessible grocery list of items he can pick up at his local grocery store or Walmart Supercenter.  It's all about ease and convenience!

Here's his list for the first two weeks:

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Friday, December 4, 2009

What To Do When There's Only Fast Food

It's a hectic day - you've raced out the door in the morning without preparing anything to eat.  You're on the road and need to stop quick for a meal and there's nothing but fast food.  You don't have any meal replacement bars with you.  What do you do?

There are still options you can partake in without destroying your diet.  I personally continue to eat at fast food restaurants regardless of how strict my diet is because there are sensible choices.  What are they you ask?

Here's a quick and concise list I like to use:

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Amanda: Getting Your Diet And Exercise Plan Started

Ok, now that we have Thanksgiving behind us it’s time to get back on track!  Thanksgiving is about spending time with family, and being thankful and as we all know, is centered around food.  I am hoping that you were able to enjoy the feasts.  I know I did!  Now that it’s behind me, I find myself excited to get moving toward my ideal body.  No one can give you the body you want, but then again, they can’t take it away from you either!  Only you have complete control over your body.  Do with it what you will...
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are You Back On Track Yet?

I hope you enjoyed your Holiday meal as much as I did.  True to form, I completely overdid it!  Waaaay too many calories, waaaay too much volume and waaaay too much sleeping immediately afterward.  As we've talked about previously, it's good to have this break from your eating plan but it's also good to get right back on track as soon as you can.

Are you back on track yet?  Here's what I did to shift gears from feeling sick to getting strict:

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Bens Pre-Total Body Transformation Bloodwork Results

It took a little longer than expected, but Bens pre-Total Body Transformation bloodwork results are finally in.  During our last conversation with Ben, he was concerned that his cholesterol had continued to climb to unsafe levels for his age.  While he initially attempted some positive dietary changes to address it for a solid 8 months or so, he had recently fallen off the wagon and gotten back into some poor eating habits. 

What kind of effect did it have on his cholesterol?  Let's take a look:

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