Saturday, October 10, 2009

Diet For A Dollar Exercise and Nutrition Disclaimer

Before we begin in earnest, I have to cover some of the basics with respect to legal disclaimers and individual responsibility.  I want to insure that everybody who chooses to participate in better health and nutrition does so within their individual abilities and can enjoy the many benefits afforded by this lifestyle change.  It's important to be prudent in your actions and know your limitations.

So, before starting any diet and/or exercise program:

Consult your physician and/or health care practitioner to ensure that it's appropriate for you to follow such a program.  Any instruction offered or provided in this blog must be followed carefully. 

The author(s) of Diet For A Dollar are not qualified medical doctors, or health specialists. Some of the approaches described and opinions presented do not concur with prevailing, mainstream medical opinion.

The exercises, dietary suggestions and other advice regarding health issues described are not suitable for everyone. In certain situations, they could cause you to injure yourself.

If you believe any of the practices might cause you to injure yourself, stop immediately

You should not try to diagnose yourself, or begin any exercise routine, dietary program or attempt to treat yourself without consulting a qualified medical practitioner.

The author(s) do not provide any guarantees that the approaches outlined will work, or that you will produce a particular outcome or benefits for yourself.

Regarding any recommendations for dietary supplements or other items/products: the statements appearing on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. The programs and products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your physician or health care professional before starting this or any other health and wellness program. If you are under the age of 18, pregnant, lactating, are allergic, have any other medical condition, please consult a physician before use.

Finally, the author(s) accept no liability for any loss or injury arising from the adoption of any of the practices described in this blog.

Thank you for your understanding - now let's get started! Sphere: Related Content
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