Sunday, October 11, 2009

General Timeline - Results We Can Expect Over A Specific Period of Time

Let's take a look at the results we can expect to see and feel in the coming weeks and months.  First and foremost, we'll set the baseline expectation that we're going to be in 'better than average' shape before summer 2010.  If you feel you may need more time to get there, we'll cover some realistic expectations with how much weight can be lost over certain periods of time - safely.  (You'll be amazed at how much can be lost!)  Also, we'll determine what our individual goals are for this period of time.  Just a general idea at the moment that will continue to come more and more into focus in the near term.

Our general, top level goal is to get in 'better than average' shape before summer 2010.  What does that mean for you?  Where are you starting from?  This starting point will determine how quickly you'll need to start tightening the reigns and to what extent you'll need to ramp up activity.  Ideally, we're looking at easing into any changes we make because they'll be so much easier to stick to and return far more lasting results.  Depending on how agressive you want or need to be, here are some general guidelines for expectations:

Very aggressive (experienced with diet and exercise) = 60lbs - 70lbs lost in 6 months time
Very aggressive w/out experience = 40lbs - 50lbs lost in 6 months time
Committed to reaching your goal = ~30lbs lost in 6 months time
Half heartedly following along = 10lbs - 15lbs lost in 6 months time
Paying attention and making minor changes = 5lbs - 10lbs lost in 6 months time
Not paying attention at all = well, you can take a guess at this one!

Again, these are general guidelines to show what is possible and will differ from individual to individual.  There are documented cases of people absolutely stripping fat weight off in extremely short periods of time.  I think it's incredible that our bodies are capable of doing this however, part of our goal is to keep good health as part of the equation.  For some people, 60lbs - 70lbs in 6 months may seem absolutely out of reach at this point and I completely understand that.  It is possible and if you hang in there you'll surely amaze yourself!

With the above figures in mind, and knowing your specific starting point, think of where you'd like to look like come May 1st, 2010.  Depending on where you live, that still gives a solid 60 days or so before the warm summer days begin to settle in which can be used for additional refining if needed. 

- Would you like to lose as much weight as possible and become more healthy?
- Are you already pretty fit and would like to time things so you can be lean and dialed in for summer?
- Do you want to put on a few (or more) muscular pounds and reduce your bodyfat by summer?
- Are you brand new to the game and would like to get started in diet and exercise and see what you can accomplish by next summer?
- Would you like to have a fitness model or bodybuilder type physique in that time?

Think hard about where you want to be because that end goal, whether it's a permanent, final goal or not, will be a reference point for you along the way.  A very important reference point at that.  The reason why is because you can get there.  It's simply a matter of following the appropriate directions between now and then to reach that end goal. 

Matts Goal:
I want to become more lean than I was the last time I dieted down but at a weight approximately 5lbs to 10lbs heavier than I was.

What's your goal?

Once you know where you want to end up, we'll start looking at taking the first steps to getting there.  Those first steps will be slow, but depending on your goal, may accelerate faster for you than for others. 
We'll start initially by getting used to doing more activity than we're doing now.  Easy stuff - nothing that will have us feel like we're killing ourselves.  No diet changes at the outset.
Once we start getting used to the additional activity and making time to do it, we'll begin exploring the necessary dietary changes we'll need to make to increase the rate that we'll see results from our activity. 
At this point you're probably thinking 'But Matt, what about Halloween?  Thanksgiving?  Christmas?  Other Holidays we may celebrate?  These are all great excuses for body gorging feasts!'


We've got plenty of time.  Going absolutely crazy one or two days out of thirty or so days of sensible eating won't be that bad.  Plus, by the time we get to that point you'll have learned some very important lessons about diet and nutrition which I'm sure you'll have in the back of your mind as you step up to the smorgasboard.  You may decide to reign in your eating, you may not.  If not, you'll have a better understanding of why you feel the way you do after the meal.  You'll also see and feel how your body reacts to this kind of eating after tightening up your diet.  It really is amazing once you have a better understanding and can literally feel what's going on! 

While we're meandering through the Holidays with various levels of discipline, we'll be planning our transition into getting serious.  What better time to buckle down than after the New Year!  So many people make their resolutions to 'get in shape' but fall short because they're not adequately prepared to do so.  We'll have laid the groundwork for months prior to then so we'll be well prepared to make serious and lasting changes. 

During the after New Year time frame, we'll further build off the knowledge we've gained of our bodies prior to the end of the year and have a solid understanding of what's needed, how much is needed and when it's needed so we can accomplish our individual goals. 
We'll have specific plans to stick to which are basically simple directions to follow.  The amount you deviate from those directions will begin to have meaningful effects on your end results.  By that point though, I'm sure you'll be completely committed to reaching your goal.  Plus, it seriously gets easier as your fitness improves.  You'll begin to see changes more rapidly and have a tremendous understanding of what it will take to reach your goal. 

In the next post, we'll take a look at some essential items needed to begin this journey.  Stay tuned, get excited and know that the new 'better than average' you will be unveiled early next summer! Sphere: Related Content
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