Sunday, October 18, 2009

Quick RECAP of First (EASY) Steps Parts 1 + 2

Here's a quick, bulleted recap of the detailed items we covered in Parts 1 + 2 of the First Steps.  I would recommend printing this out and using it as a guide over the next couple of weeks. 

Workout Days
Recommended days to initially start easing into additional activity:



Recommended exercises to begin with from PART 1:

If new to exercising or after a very long layoff use:

Bodyweight Squat
Kneeling Pushup
Door Handle Row

If experienced with exercising and/or have worked out consistently in the recent past, use:

Machine or Freeweight Squat
Standard Pushup
Pullup with underhanded (palms facing you) grip

Repetition Range
First Set
8-12 reps OR 2-3 reps less than what you think you could do in total

Second Set
8-12 reps OR until you feel like you'll really have to start pushing youself for 1 or 2 more

Third Set
As many as you can comfortably do without pushing yourself to a point where you can't do anymore.  This should feel very similar to your second set but will have fewer reps due to your muscles beginning to tire. 

Additional Considerations
Water Intake
Stay sufficiently hydrated.  You may find you drink a lot more during your workout - you may not.  Don't drink calorically laden drinks like sports drinks, soda, etc.  Only drink as much as you feel like you need to. 

Workout Time
This is a matter of preference.  I personally do best between 9pm and 11pm and have never been able to effectively workout in the morning.  Pick a time that suits your body and your scheduling needs.  Remember, in the beginning here we're only looking to block out 10-15 minutes. 

Post Workout Meal
We didn't touch upon this in the main articles (we'll discuss this in great detail later) however, you may find that your body is craving nutrition immediately after you exercise.  Milk is often an excellent choice in the beginning if you can tolerate it.  Whatever you choose (if anything at this time) it should have carbohydrates and protein in it and limited fat content.  Take a look at the balanced nutrition label on a gallon of milk and you'll see why it is recommended for this stage.  Your body is looking to replenish the nutrients that were used to exercise as well as beginning repairing and preparing itself for the next round.  It needs carbohydrates, protein and limited fat to do this. 

I'm not much of a sleeper.  If I get 6hrs per night I'm really doing something.  A key point to understand is that you body needs sufficient sleep to repair and prepare for your next workout.  Insure that you're getting at least your normal amount of sleep each night.  If you're like me and 6hrs per night is normal, don't drop below that.  Six hours should be considered the minimum. 

Time to get started! Sphere: Related Content
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